Mittwoch, 12. August 2009


Bri sagt, heute bin ich volljährig!
So much ideas, emotions and feelings have encompassed me lately and I do not think that they all have anything to do with my birthday or age. It all started when I remembered that our first house was a blue house, too and I went searching for old photographs to sort and send to Drachenfänger and that was enhanced this morning by a song from Queen in the radio: Its magic. That song always reminds me of my children in their formative years. And all of this lets me go back and feel! Feel who I was, my children, my partner and how we were formed throughout life.
Drachenfänger goes Asia again and memory lets me feel how we were at THAT time with Kugelfisch and Schildkrötenhals - how we all changed - individually and as a group - since even such a relatively short time - or did we?
Yes of course we did. How many different aspects of ourselfes did we live in our lifes, aspects we did not even know we encumbered. How many lifes did we live in one lifetime?
But the more important question is: how many aspects did we lose in the process due to certain circumstances - aspects we put way back in our mind because they did not seem to serve a purpose at the time, because it hurt or produced a sad or a severely fearful memory. Except those memories are part of us and are a missing link. I finally understand now why those aspects must be saved and again integrated to make me whole. Everytime I feel not loved, misundeerstood, alone - that is the time to look for the missing aspects and feel them again in order to heal and release the negative (because there is really no negative) and integrate once more to be I AM THAT I AM!

Montag, 20. Juli 2009

Vacation Experience

Hi, Bri here

I thought that it is about time that I woke up from my jetlag and give you my inpressions of our completely new type of vacation.

After arriving in Frankfurt the day before our flight to D.C. (we wanted to do the Vorabend check in), We found out that United does not do that sort of thing. We went back to our hotel with luggage to get a good nights sleep. The check in the next morning was okay exept we had to wait to find out where we would sit. We did get seats that were comfortable because we had leg room and the flight was uneventful. On arrival we got our rental car, set up our TOMTOM and drove to our hotel, found a deli and ate real hot Pastami sandwiches.

Day2: waited for the arrival of Lynn, Pete, and Jason. Had beakfast with them at IHOPS and wanted to meet them in D.C. . Since that failed we set out to buy an umbrella and see the city on our own.

Day3: Took a slow drive down to Virginia Beach, Thanks to my TOMTOM which gave us the best route to take. Found the blue house with no problem. Then the world turned around. Geetings as usual. I was handed a piece of paper (a verse from the bibel). I had to read it at the ceremony, Okay; I studied it and read it several times. I was ready. Arrival of L,P,J later that evening.

Day4: Now it gets interesting. Pickup our daughter in Norfolk went to the blue house and waited for the arrival of the last 2 guests. In the evening the group drove to the so called strip. We walked the strip, bought a Hat (Southern Sweetheart) for Bram, Bought Salt water taffee, and ended up in a bar where they serve oysters. I think we got home at midnight. It was fun but very long.

Day5: The wedding day. The first thing to say is that this day was going to be the hottest day so far. The next thing is that the men were "required" to wear ties. The men got ready, the women got ready, Schildkrötenhals got ready, the justice of the peace arrived, The terrasse was cleaned, the bride (kugelfisch) got ready. The ceremony started and although a few small bluppers popped up it was a beautiful event. The bride and groom were glowing the entire time, Both families were proud and as for our family it was special to see the 4 of us together and enjoying the family as it grows.

Day6: Good bye to Kugelfisches family.

Day 7: good bye to drachenfängers family. We took our daughter to the airport in Norfolk ans set off on our real relaxing vacation. It took us to Charlottesville,VA, Bristol,VA, Asheville, NC, Rocky Mount,NC, Nags Head,NC (beautiful beach and houses to wish for, and a very relaxing 3 days that was worth every minute we were there), and then back to Virginia Beach to celebrate the 4th of Juli.

For the journey back home read the second paragraph, it was basically the same.

For those who enjoy pictures check out

The vacation is over. Both bram and I went thru a lot of emotions, especially before and during the ceremony. The thing that we did not imagine came out very slowly, but it did get on the table. Or it will be on the table in about 6 months. It will be our Number 6.

We will definitely be back there in the future, in the mean time the 3 and1/2 will do some growing together.

That's my story in a nut shell.
I did not tell you about the tears that came to me or about the times I choked with emotion, but I'm sure those who know me noticed it.

Bye for now


Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009

12. Juli 2009

Nach unserem letzen USA Besuch hatten wir uns eigentlich vorgenommen, nicht so schnell wieder dort hin zu reisen. Wie der vorangegangene Blog aber gezeigt hat, hat uns Drachenfänger mit seiner Entscheidung mit seiner neuen Familie in die USA auszuwandern, diesen Zahn gezogen. Als wir zu hören bekamen, dass eine Hochzeit zwischen Drachenfänger und Kugelfisch stattfinden sollte, wurde wiederum jenen der Zahn gezogen, dass sie diesen "Event" alleine in aller Stille zelebrieren konnten. Beide Elternparteien, sowie beide Schwestern und Freunde hatten nichts besseres zu tun als schnellstens Flüge zu buchen und ihr neues Heim zu bevölkern um DABEI zu sein. Ebenfalls dabei die 3 aus SF

Es war eine wunderschöne Hochzeit mit sehr viel Emotionen. Die Bilder davon sind in picasa zu bewundern. Es gäbe vie darüber zu berichten aber das würde den Rahmen hier sprengen. Jeder von uns wird seine eigenen Erinnerungen daran hegen und pflegen, besonders wenn wir immer mal wieder die vielen Bilder betrachten. Bri nd Bram entschieden sich, noch ein wenig herum zu reisen und einen völlig anderen Teil der USA kennen zu lernen. Auch das war schön, interessant und auch manchmal emotional. Nachfolgend aber zeigt einen Moment in Brams Erleben, den sie wohl nicht vergessen wird und zwar den


A child so full of innocents and love (just right at that moment)
representing a peaceful world that does not need a comment
showing an other generation
what is considered real elation:

if you dance a dance of the heart and hug and kiss
nothing in the world then seems amiss,
lets a Grandother melt into happiness
lets her EXCEPT the MOMENT - no more no less!

Samstag, 25. April 2009

Auswandern Umgekehrt

This story starts the end of February when Drachenfänger went to the USA to start a new job. This is the next step to start their complete new life. Our part starts in Sankt Augustin on Good Friday when Bram starts to cook. First on the menu is a noodle salad that will be packed for the trip. Next is Bram's famous ham that will accompany the salad. The next day (Saturday) it's off to the airport for our "surprise visit" to Drachenfänger's final Visit to Berlin to pick up his new family to travel to their new home. Our flight to Berlin was short and first checked into our hotel (Kempinski's), unpacked our clothes, repacked the food, and took a bus to their empty appartment. We arrived and did not see the surprised face that we expected. The following slide show will give you an idea of how the party went.

After eating and drinking we left the party to get a good nights sleep so we could get up early and catch the bus to the airport again so that we could really say good bye to them as they leave Germany as a family with QI, 2 dogs (Tischoo and Shanghai), and 2 carts full of hand baggage. Enjoy the pictures of the confusion of mob experiences at the airport.

After going thru the gate and and other controls both families closed the day with a cup of coffee and said good bye. The adventure that the 5 experienced is explained in their blog. As for the left behinds, we will all meet again in Virginia in the middle of June. The story will continue there.

See you all in the blog in July.
